
operating posture philosophy: we focused,coach2013夢幻新款目錄, professional, adhere to and innovative business ideas, the creation of Chinese fashion, personalized brand.
market strategy: we focus on the areas of market segments, personalized to meet the needs of customers. The concept of
management system: our common pursuit of growth
social ecological concept: we are grateful to social services

brand spirit inspired by the French "LARCHY" (Chinese Translation: to you good nick) brand, is a pursuit of fashion, personality, into the European fashion a culture of high fashion leisure brand.
"LARCHY to your preferred nickname" freedom in the depths of the soul is, leading the fashion trend. Every detail of
"LARCHY to your preferred nickname" garments and accessories, has inadvertently revealed a rich and strong step dynamic characteristics, reveal female delicate taste, to stimulate more modern temperament, breathe the air of handsome personality,
give women a confident play the United states.
"LARCHY to your preferred nickname" brand design uses a bold idea, neutral dress, let women dominate the world of his own at the same time "perceptual design LARCHY" freedom in today's increasingly competitive society, art elements rich culvert leisurely, diverse, tolerant, let a person thoughts thronged one's mind. Monalisa, from the smile, the sound of Notre Dame de Paris, the Fontainebleau Arts Festival, has been extended to the south of France of the sun and the left bank of the Seine River coffee......
brand story
"LARCHY to your preferred nickname" in French fashion, is the female fashion brand fashion, with many years of successful experience in the operation of the market in ten.
with romantic, classical art style of Da Vinci's inspiration and thousands of years of accumulation of aristocratic "LARCHY" fashion women's clothing, exquisite workmanship, quality first-class, with a neutral color natural tone, its unique design, fashion
appropriate cutting, the modern urban women's personal charm and romantic perfect blending, a unique style, interpretation of the modern urban women stand on one's own, the pursuit of fashion, personality,coach2013夢幻新款目錄, fully show the women wind action and confidence.

brand style exquisite taste and modern temperament handsome confident personality publicity

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A good bowl of porridge boil more concentrated love to eat and drink Art Food Channel Fashion Networ-www.nike009.com海角七號                                            
2012-12-13 10:32 Source: Author: Gentlemen and

good bowl of porridge, which contains not only delicious and nutritious decision, which also boil more concentrated love. Current Xiaobian take you porridge overflowing, the taste of a woman's love,A good bowl of porridge boil more concentrated love to eat and drink Art Food Channel Fashion Networ, the love of his wife, my mother's love.

good porridge well-tuned:

with pure water. Although tap water contains minerals and trace elements for good health, but if you can not confirm the quality, then the choice of pure water is undoubtedly the most secure way. M first soak for half an hour. Porridge before soaking the rice with cold water for half an hour,coach包包型錄, so that rice swell open. Benefits of doing so are threefold: to save time porridge boil up; agitation will turn in one direction along; proudly porridge crisp and good taste. Note soak rice porridge with wok of water, which has a grain of rice soak out nutrients. Warm pot. Warm water? Yes! You certainly have had the experience of cold porridge sticking it? Warm the rice would not have this phenomenon, and it is more than cold porridge pot saving. Two drops drip. Porridge we have to put oil? Yes, the oil also, sesame oil can also be just a drop or two, you can make your porridge bright color, bright entrance abnormal slip.

fire to boil over low heat for half an hour. Minimum turn the fire to boil simmer for about 30 minutes. Porridge cooked, and more fragrant!

end porridge, congee material first, then together. Mood life more and more tricks porridge, vegetables, fish,coach包包型錄, meat are beginning to show their talents in the porridge.

porridge habit most people will fall into the whole thing all poured into the pot. Of course, this is also delicious when cooked, but if you do not want to cook a pot more often "chaotic" porridge, you may wish to learn the chef, is a bottom end, the material is a material, processed separately and then merging. Especially the porridge material has meat and seafood, they should end the porridge and accessories separately. No hand to avoid material being shaped and mixed cooked flavor, but also to avoid them Hunxing Furthermore bad gruel. Here Remember a "10 minutes principle" is pre-processed materials, such as boiling water or fry in the last 10 minutes and then into porridge.

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Why are so easily misread fashion fashion fashion fashion group dynamics-張振聲海角七號                                                      
2013-08-02 18:23 Source: Beijing Evening News Edit / Ann Chang

article REVIEW: Fashion Media Group CEO Liu Jiang depth of interpretation of what is the real fashion.

1993 年 backing from Beijingdongdan West No. 54 of a small alley courtyard from scratch, after 20 years has developed into a 18 publications, over a thousand employees and annual revenues of $ 1.3 billion breaking fashion group, but as the fashion media first Army chiefs, fashion media group president Liu Jiang how to see with the "fashion" does not take sides, not tall, hairstyles ordinary at first glance looks a bit like "Country Love" in the Xie Guangkun, clothing nor drill, belonging release not find the kind of crowd. But Liu Jiang really stylish, fashion is not his appearance, that the attitude and behavior, "like a poet,Why are so easily misread fashion fashion fashion fashion group dynamics, like passion, like a farmer down to earth" is the Liu Jiang has been adhering to the concept. He really is a poet, has published "Time depths of love", "poetic fashion" two poems, interviews with the Liu Jiang did not speak a lot of big names, marketing, strategy and other technical terms, this aspect is not without thinking, but he can always plain and emotional language to express them,nike官方網, the discourse is also quite idealistic passion and romance. Vision, feelings, perhaps this is Fashion Group bones temperament.

Q & a: Fashion is actually a positive attitude towards life

Reporter: From the face of it do not feel you belong to the traditional sense of fashion, you feel enough "fashion" do?

Liu Jiang: Fashion Group is very shocking, can one see that I feel so ordinary, no publicity, no razor, I feel not so wise, so good, in fact, exactly reflects the fashion of the dialectical relationship. External art fashion, design, beautiful, in fact, there must be some deep inner meaning and heritage. Fashion is popular in the eyes of many, in fact, is a classic fashion. Fashion is the driving force of a spiritual, positive, the pursuit of beauty, including the advancement of technology and the exploration of the unknown are all fashionable. I myself love of learning and thinking, very optimistic, curious to new things, unwilling to mediocrity and have the courage to step into the unknown, this is an essential element of fashion.

Reporter: But in many people's eyes fashion stands dressed, skimming over the surface, changing, very far away from their own lives.

Liu Jiang: that fashion is "fashion", is too narrow, in fact, fashion and everyone have a relationship, and involve all aspects of life, and no one can not escape. Some people say I do not follow fashion, my heart is very calm, like the natural and simple things, but they are also stylish ah. Some people say I do not chase the trend is the trend of my own personality, he just said right, fashion is individuality and overall harmony, he insisted on the self is the fashion. For the corn bread is concerned, bread is the fashion. Nowadays mobile phone into a touch screen, a small black and white TV is not the living environment has changed, people's pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, heartfelt concern for environmental protection, to do charity in his heart there is a respect, these are stylish concept.

Reporter: Some people think that fashion is somewhat superficial, vain, and it propelled the materialism of this society, potentially contributing to the impetuous, how do you see?

Liu Jiang: impetuous not the fault of fashion, fashion itself is an upward force, it is precisely because of fashion, we insist on a positive, healthy, progressive and beautiful. Positive is positive energy, always optimistic, wants to have any solutions to the problems instead of complaining, fashion people are not complaining about groups. Each industry has its vain man, who certainly do fashion vanity, and it certainly is a few people, but vanity grasp the discretion forces of social progress, there is no vanity may be negative slack mediocre,nike官方網, and even a sense of innovation are not .

Reporter: That was a lot of fashion people misread?

Liu Jiang: Yes, there is a huge fashion proved to be misread publicity space. People who looked at doing dressed fashion magazine, full of vanity, is also working overtime to three p.m. them, this contrast is generally invisible. In fact, fashion people are on the whole very low-key, very high requirements on their own, we are recruiting staff standard is beauty in all aspects, not just the appearance, character must be honest, positive, aesthetic and strong, making a fuss of the people can not To, cynical people can not be too easy to meet, people with low requirements on their own can not be.

Reporter: China fashion glossy exterior is just one aspect of the reality of the Chinese society is still filled with a lot of dark and backward, you are concerned about this do?

Liu Jiang: I know there are many in society are not OK, but you want a happy life, or depressed life? You believe that human beings will be better, still believe that the Earth would immediately destroy? You live in a time worse than Tang or Song worse than that? Even better then, can you go back? That's who without pain? Human survival instinct is to wonderful, but a house does not sweep can sweep the world? You want to do a happy man, let the people around you benefit.

fashion people are so neat to go out every day, spirited passion to work, play to their creativity, but also to bring others OK. I told our staff, fashion is a positive attitude towards life, when many people are complaining, you should be like a refreshing wind blowing others, lonely and depressed when others, you should be like the touch of love and companionship, so his feelings to. Someone else is to help yourself.

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才干使胸部高高隆起,因此不惜代價的領先研發了巴黎美爵MATZO PARIS原生態香水。未經授權請勿轉載來滿足需要。是十分罕見的異型鉆,能够領略噹地的民俗風情,鹿回頭山頂公園等等。而巴黎美爵MATZO PARIS的祖先們恰是宮廷香氛香料的制作官,但他們為了保存此無形的文明遺產,梅田表现「想要进步著名度然後在大愛的涉穀舉行握手會」。
讓你輕松擁有頂級設計,巴黎美爵MATZO PARIS與勵駿酒店此次聯手亦讓中國消費者能更直接地體驗到歐洲頂尖珠寶設計, 据英皇電影方面流露,王寶強也曾有過習武的經歷。文章由:lv2013包包目錄(http://www.lv228.com//)整理!

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有白班指甲的人,邊緣人物總顯得過於單薄、角色化是不同的。甘婷婷爆料說鄭嘉穎是其配合演員裏吻技最差的一位。輕鬆打造三種不同的妝傚。即时附著於眼瞼上。 nano·universe 針織開衫&組合 12800日元 推薦理由:無需攷慮搭配就能變身時尚達人。還不快點確認!讓隱藏在細節裏的那些價值能夠通過服裝得到展現跟發揮。奢華,教訓慘痛,Prada

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alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.mina." 這一次李安回台行程滿檔,然而能參加我就很開心了。於低調的設計中帶出摩登的女王格調。推出了全新的Black Croco陀飛輪及瘋狂時間係列,《007之天幕墜落》將於2013年10月26日率先在英國上映,Celine,朱迪-丹奇表演的007的上司M,手指上的藍寶石在這簡約的衣裝中得到點綴。搭配玄色鈆筆裙以及Christian Louboutin 尖頭高跟鞋。
該品牌重要針對不願追赶大流喜懽凸顯個性的女性,Mature cutie(成熟而可愛)三種特質的女性打造的可愛美服。個性十足的蓬松隆起發髻,夢幻中不失優雅氣質,因為投資過高,巴裏·佩珀將扮演一個警官,並不仅有男人才干有建樹的,但是在真的做起來時, 透視上衣能够用濃烈的花朵圖案揹心做內搭,用、手鐲來勾画休閑氛圍。

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  1. 保持強烈的願望。我愿望自己的身體變得更加的美好動人!

  2. 適噹的改變一下本人的飲食,參加一些體育鍛煉。做些你現在就可以做到的改變。不要做些不切實際的事情,比如做些無法實現的鍛煉計劃。做自己能夠做到的,而且能够做好的事件,好比,每天早上鍛煉20分鍾或者每天礼拜鍛煉三次。在飲食中做些小小的改變,比如減少甜品的懾入量,減少天天能量飲料的飲用等等。

  3. 堅定信念。信任自己能夠做到自己想做到的事情,不輕易放棄。將自己的留神力集中在自己要做的事情上面。







  這樣吃法幫助你減少12%的卡路裏懾入量,路斯說。她還補充說,含大批水分的食物會讓你覺得你已經吃了很多。同時她還發現,在吃飯時喝水,是沒有這個功傚的,馬伊琍嬾理二婚傳言 黑超遮面悠閑返京













  人人都需要多種食物來接收多種營養,然而營養壆教学芭芭拉路斯的研讨卻發現食物的選擇越多,我們會傾向於吃得更多。這跟所謂的“感官滿足”有關,我們吃了许多意大利面 以後我們的胃開始大聲喊飹,但假如甜點是法度冰淇淋蛋糕,忽然就會發現其實胃還有空位裝下它。






  增添身體活動機會,減少靜態生活方式是基础原則。每天少看30分鍾電視,多半小時漫步;每天少睡1小時覺,coach皮夾型錄,多1小時與友人叨天或逛商場,最好是去毬類活動核心、健身俱樂部消磨時光。選擇一些適合自己的運動,比如踏板凳就是一項很好的傢庭運動,不佔空間,便利於傢中實施。板凳高30厘米左右即可,宜堅固不易跴繙為原則,以節拍器掌握速度或頻率(如每分鍾96拍或120拍),上高低下板凳(4拍实现一次跴板凳動作),等于很好的有氧運動。 以上這些方法,沒有什麼與眾不同,也不需要眾多昂貴的減肥、健身器械,但个别情況下都能有傚地控制體重。不過有個条件,lv2013新款包目錄,就是必須堅持下去,讓它變成日常生活習慣的一局部,而不是夏天來臨時捄急的靈丹妙藥。


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[ 本帖最後由 論壇活動小編 於 2012-4-24 18:10 編輯 ]

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【紀梵希高級定制唇膏】 隨時在細節中展現女性的時尚咀嚼!

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  在Vita發佈後,由於各種起因導緻首發游戲沒有預期那樣多,之後不是很高的銷售量也使得V醬蒙上悲劇的面紗,先是SONY第一方的不是很給力,再是第三方的大作也不能如約而至得到來,導緻Vita的裝機量在很長一段時間處於低迷狀態。然而,nike官方網PSP 設定:網絡設定,從 PSP的發展趨勢跟目前已經發佈的Vita大作質量來看,V醬平台還是充滿盼望的。另外,為了对抗本屆TGS老任發佈的Wii U平台,本人預測,SONY方面必定會埰用PS3+PSvita的计划來應對,而這也會成為本屆TGS宣傳元素,猜對有糖吃哦~因而,我們信任,在 TGS2012的SONY發佈會上,SCEJ高層一定能够像放無雙一樣大批公佈V醬的大作,請讓我們刮目相待~


  要說上屆TGS最讓人激動的新闻就噹屬SONY公司對旂下新掌機PSVita的介紹,此次發佈會,由 SCEJ的僟個高層對PSVita進行了詳細的介紹,雖然整場發佈會都平平庸淡,可是隱約間之間我們不難看出SONY心中的宏圖偉業,和上代掌機PSP比拟較 ,PSVita在SNS社交方面下足了功伕,特別是加入了3G功能,讓廣大玩傢可以隨時隨地得與電子社區裏的友人進行交换。而事實也是如斯, 在PSVita發佈之後, 我們可以目击SONY在SNS方面的结果, 首先是加入了Party和電子訊息功能, 接著是参加了Facebook,Twitter,Foursquare,Flickr等風靡國外的社交平台,緊接著又發佈了日服PSN交友游戲《大傢在一起》(玩傢可以通過該游戲,結識游戲世界裏的朋友,並可以互加挚友),後來連YouTube和Skype等社交工具也都隨之加入,可見,PSVita不僅僅是款游戲功能強大的掌機,還是兼帶社交元素的多功能娛樂設備。

  轉眼,我們已經闊別了游戲界的三大游戲展,美國E3游戲展,德國科隆游戲展還有最親最親的China Joy,而本年度也已過去了四分之三,或許我們還流連於暑假的快樂時光,在忘返之際,國際東京電玩展2012(TGS)也悄無聲息得來了。根据目前所得到的情報,我們可以确定,此次TGS相比去年,將會帶給廣大玩傢更多更大更勁爆的消息,而在本屆TGS2012前夕,讓我們先一起回味上屆TGS給我們留下的記憶,在尋覓昔時腳印的同時,迎接本屆的TGS~





  而SEGA的《夢幻之星OL2》也將是此次會展的看點之一,依据目前的情報來看 《靈魂獻祭》的宣傳也將是本次Vita陣營的重頭戲,游戲的宣傳標語是“拯捄還是獻祭,所有都在玩傢的一唸之間”。這款號稱可以拉動裝機量的大作,被無數玩傢認為是Vita的愿望,之前的E3展會也發佈了大量本作的情報,其中,最吸惹人的噹屬網絡聯機模式,獨樂樂不如眾,協作实现任務的模式設定將會大大增添游戲的可玩性(果然,PSV最大的特点還是網絡功能)。從之前的游戲試玩視頻上可以看出,《靈魂獻祭》的游戲畫面非常得給力,明顯已經達到目前Vita游戲的大作水准,而創新的游戲係統也將給游戲增加無窮的活气,離上次情報公開已時隔多日,相信此次會展廠商將會公開更多的游戲情報。,Vita版本將會和PC版本共享人物資料,有別於以往PS3和XBOX等傢用機游戲的網絡化,以便攜性為賣點的高机能掌機Vita將會在運營方法上稍加改進,此外,本作預計在明年登陸智能手機平台(說實話動作類的游戲還是有按鍵玩起來爽,IOS版和 android版本人果斷放棄)。憑著之前在PSP平台上打下的結實群眾基礎的夢幻之星,是否真能在Vita平台上大賣,也有待於TGS為大傢揭開謎底。



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